Hosting your ceremony at St. Joseph's Cathedral and your reception at the Columbus Athenaeum is a great combination. Here are…
Planning a split-serve meal for your wedding is nice but serving a duet meal is even better. The cost is…
We recently receive some amazing photos from Martina & Greg's wedding. A special thanks to their photographer Derk Work's.
The rehearsal dinner is a great time for you to sit back, take a deep breath and just soak in…
Wedding, Corporate Gala, Holiday Party it doesn't matter! Our Referral Rewards can be applied to bridal and corporate events. Just…
Just engaged and looking for wedding inspiration? Check out these blogs: Ritzy Bee
Can you believe it has been a year since the Royal Wedding!? One year ago yesterday millions of people around…
Once you move in together and start unwrapping all your wedding gifts you will start to wonder